Welcome to my TechBlog

Here you will find random projects i did im corrently working on or i find interesting hope you enjoy your visit and contact me if you have any questions

My name is Nick this is my space in the virtual world

Iv got to admit i have a very bad short term memory so i usualy tell my self that i needed a place to write down all the things i do, and finally i pushed myself into doing something about it. A blog will be the best way to not only make a record of the thing i do so i can later remember the things iv done if i ever need to do them again, but i can also share it with everyone else.

"I turned myself into a pickle. I'm Pickle Riiiiick"
See my photos
Computer Engineer

My Blog Entries

VT420 Resurected

In this post i show how to bring back to life an old vt420 1980s terminal and use it with a modern pc runing Linux.


DIY Ebike

Contenido del post


Any questions? Emails are welcome
